Transformative Narratives: UMB’s Catalyst Campaign Case Statement Portfolio

The University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB) is the only public, health, law, and human services university in Maryland. The University of Maryland Baltimore Foundation, Inc. promotes the University through advocacy and the enlisting of financial support, and manages and invests gifts and property for the benefit of UMB.

When the Foundation was embarking on a capital campaign, “Catalyst,” to raise $750 million to support scholarships, endowments, faculty excellence, research, and special initiatives, they turned to Graphcom as their partner.

In addition to producing the overall design and messaging direction for the campaign, Graphcom wrote, designed, and printed an extensive case statement portfolio for the main campus and all seven schools. The folders consisted of a stitched-in booklet with overall campaign messaging plus individual inserts with more information for each school and its funding priorities.

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